Korpelan Voima joint municipal authority – sale of shares of Lämpö Korpela Oy

Lieke assisted Korpelan Voima joint municipal authority in a transaction where the entire share capital of Lämpö Korpela Oy was sold to Loimua Oy.

Lieke assisted Korpelan Voima joint municipal authority in a transaction where the entire share capital of Lämpö Korpela Oy, owned by Korpelan Voima joint municipal authority, was sold to Loimua Oy. Lämpö Korpela Oy is a company active in the production and distribution of district heat in the municipality of Sievi. The Sievi district heating network’s annual sales volume is 14 gigawatt-hours, and there are over 100 district heating customers in the area.

In addition, Lieke successfully assisted Korpelan Voima joint municipal authority in an appeal case related to the decision-making process regarding matter in the Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court.

Lieke’s core team comprised Partner Jussi Ekonen and Counsel Ida Lindfors for the transaction, and Partner Marja Norrena, Counsel Maija Ahtiainen and Associate Valmari Keskimäki for the Administrative Court proceedings.

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