Kalmanlehto and Montonen re-elected to their positions of trust in the Finnish Bar Association

Our attorneys, Helena Kalmanlehto and Alisa Montonen, have been re-elected to continue their roles in the Finnish Bar Association’s expert groups and committees. Helena will continue as a member of the Civil Procedural Law Expert Group and the Mediation Committee. Alisa will continue as a member of the Environmental Law Expert Group as well as the Real Estate and Construction Law Expert Group.
We are grateful for the trust placed in us by the Finnish Bar Association and proud that our experts will continue their important work in societal advocacy, as well as in the development of legislation and the administration of justice through these trusted positions.
For more information please contact
Alisa Montonen Managing Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law +358 40 563 9917 alisa.montonen@lieke.com
Helena KalmanlehtoCounsel, Attorney-at-Law
Alisa MontonenManaging Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law