Habeo Group Oy – Acquisition of TRP Group Oy

We acted as the legal counsel to Habeo Group Oy, a company operating in the technical building services sector, in the transaction in which Habeo Group acquires the shares in TRP Group Oy which specialises in HVAC contracting and maintenance services.
We acted as the legal counsel to Habeo Group Oy, a company operating in the technical building services sector, in the transaction in which Habeo Group acquires the shares in TRP Group Oy. TRP Group specialises in HVAC contracting and maintenance services in the Turku region. The completion of the transaction is subject to the approval of the competition authority.
Lieke’s core team comprised Partner Jussi Ekonen and Associate Hanna Tolonen. The core team was assisted by Ida Lindfors (financing), Anniina Rantasalo (employment), and Kristiina Välimaa (real estate and environment).
Habeo Group is a Finnish technical building services company, which, in accordance with its strategy, has acquired businesses specialising in technical building services, operating locally in Finland. Presently, Habeo Group stands as the fifth-largest operator in its industry in Finland, and its group includes the following nine companies: Afire Oy, ESP Group, HSK Sähkö Oy, Neloset Group, Respect Group, SFT Finntekniikka Oy, Sähkö Oy Turku and Helsinki, Vaasan Kylmäkone Oy, and Exsane Oy. Habeo Group’s annual turnover approximates EUR 130 million, with the group employing around 650 technical building services professionals. The majority ownership of Habeo Group is held by the investment company Triton.
For more details on the transaction, refer to Habeo Group’s press release available here.
For more information please contact
Jussi EkonenPartner, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M.
Hanna TolonenSenior Associate, Attorney-at-Law
Kristiina Välimaa Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M. +358 40 762 4391 kristiina.valimaa@lieke.com
Ida LindforsCounsel, Attorney-at-Law
Anniina RantasaloSenior Associate, Attorney-at-Law
Kristiina VälimaaSenior Associate, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M.