Puhuri Oy – wind power projects Kesonmäki ja Kaukanen

Lieke acts as legal advisor to Puhuri Oy in the company’s wind power projects Keso (7 wind farms) and Kaukanen (8 wind farms).
In addition to negotiating and drafting contracts for the supply and installation of wind turbines, the assignment includes negotiating and drafting construction site infrastructure agreements, advising development companies on company law, and assisting with project financing and legal issues related to land use.
The Keso and Kaukanen wind farms are located in Haapavesi and Kannus, Finland. Both wind power project orders cover a total of 90MW. After the Parha and Hankila orders in 2019, the contract represents the third and fourth Puhuri Oy wind power projects to be implemented with Vestas EnVentus turbines.
The Keso project includes the installation of seven EnVentus V162-6.0 MW turbines in the municipality of Haapavesi. The Kaukanen project consists of eight EnVentus V162-6.0 MW turbines in the municipality of Kannus.
The turbines are serviced with a 25-year Active Output Management (AOM 500) service agreement, guaranteeing efficiency and the industry-leading service expertise of Vestas throughout the project lifecycle.
For more information please contact
Aimo HalonenPartner, Attorney-at-Law
Ville VyyryläinenManaging Partner, Attorney-at-Law
Hanna TuominenSenior Associate, Attorney-at-Law