Lieke recurrently ranked in Chambers & Partners Europe 2023

Lieke’s practices and experts have been ranked once again in Chambers & Partners Europe 2023 Edition. Lieke’s focus area practices Energy & Infrastructure and Construction were recognized in rankings of top practitioners in Finland in the energy and construction sector.
Individual rankings were granted to Partner, Attorney-at-Law Aimo Halonen (Energy & Natural Resources), Partner, Attorney-at-Law Juho Lönnblad (Real Estate: Construction) and to Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law Alisa Montonen (Real Estate).
For more information please contact
Alisa Montonen Managing Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law +358 40 563 9917
Aimo HalonenPartner, Attorney-at-Law
Juho LönnbladPartner, Attorney-at-Law
Alisa MontonenManaging Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law