Lieke ranked in Chambers & Partners Europe 2025

Lieke’s practice groups and attorneys-at-law have been ranked once again in Chambers & Partners Europe 2025 Edition, an international directory evaluating the legal profession. Lieke’s focus area practices Energy & infrastructure and Projects & construction were recognized in rankings of top practitioners in Finland in the energy and construction sectors.
Individual rankings were granted to Partner, Attorney-at-Law Aimo Halonen (Energy & Natural Resources), Partner, Attorney-at-Law Juho Lönnblad (Real Estate: Construction), Managing Partner, Attorney-at-Law Ville Vyyryläinen (Energy & Natural Resources) and to Managing Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law Alisa Montonen (Energy & Natural Resources, Real Estate).
“Lieke Attorneys provides a high level of service, is very fast, keeps its promises and knows the business very well.”
“Lieke Attorneys provides very good, high-quality advice and work, and has very good time management skills and resources for resolving disputes.”
“The team’s strengths are its understanding of our business, its swift responses and its flexibility.”
“Lieke Attorneys is reliable, has an agile way of working and provides a quick response.”
“The lawyers are very talented and flexible, able to answer a multitude of questions and truly understand our business. They try to respond as soon as possible.”
For more information please contact
Alisa Montonen Managing Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law +358 40 563 9917
Aimo HalonenPartner, Attorney-at-Law
Juho LönnbladPartner, Attorney-at-Law
Ville VyyryläinenManaging Partner, Attorney-at-Law
Alisa MontonenManaging Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law