Lieke Attorneys has joined the UN Global Compact network

Lieke Attorneys has been approved as a member of the UN Global Compact initiative. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative to promote and to develop economic, social and environmental responsibility. Members of the initiative undertake to the initiative’s ten principles regarding i.e., human rights, labor rights, the environment as well as the prevention of corruption.
By joining the Global Compact initiative, Lieke wants to continue to take responsibility for its business and, for its part, increase dialogue to achieve goals related to sustainable development. Furthermore, we want to be involved in promoting responsibility in national, in Nordic as well as in international co-operation.
More than a hundred organizations from Finland have joined the initiative. Globally, the initiative involves more than 12,000 different companies or communities. By joining the initiative, Lieke will continue to be committed to support its customers in their responsibility work in a constantly evolving regulatory environment.