Aimo Halonen, Alisa Montonen, Hanna Tuominen, Panu Vasama, Kristiina Välimaa and Maija Tevajärvi are the authors of the Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2024 Guide

Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution 2024

Our Energy & Infrastructure team’s experts Aimo Halonen, Alisa Montonen, Hanna Tuominen, Panu Vasama, Kristiina Välimaa and Maija Tevajärvi contributed to annual Chambers & Partners Global Practice Guide by authoring the Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2024.

The Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2024 is a comprehensive summary about topical legislation relevant to the energy sector, and also includes a separate chapter on trends and developments of the sector and its operational environment.

“The Finnish investment climate concerning energy and energy-intensive projects has continued to fluctuate due to, among other things, interest rate fluctuations driven by the European Central Bank’s interest rate decisions, resulting in only a limited number of new investment decisions in the energy sector being published in 2023 and the first half of 2024. Investments into electricity production have been slowed down further by generally low electricity market prices and a lack of significant investments into industrial electrification projects or other projects with a high electricity consumption.

A general optimism is, however, tangible, and the activity level of project development operations has continued to be high. In addition, the development of new types of projects, such as production of green hydrogen or derivative products, as well as large-scale solar and storage projects and even carbon capture and storage solutions, have increasingly made the headlines.”

Read the whole article here:

Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2024

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