Ida Lindfors appointed as Counsel and Alisa Montonen appointed as Managing Associate, Energy & Real Estate

As of 26 March 2024, Attorney-at-Law Ida Lindfors has been appointed as Counsel, and Attorney-at-Law Alisa Montonen has been appointed as Managing Associate, Energy & Real Estate.
Ida Lindfors joined Lieke in 2012. Lindfors specializes in company and contract law. She assists our clients in various corporate reorganizations and other company law issues, especially in the energy sector.
Alisa Montonen joined Lieke in 2021. Montonen specializes in the drafting, negotiation and risk management of projects and contracts related to the energy and infrastructure sectors as well as real property arrangements and construction. Montonen’s assignments typically concern the planning, permitting and construction of extensive energy and other construction projects, related merger & acquisition processes, real estate, environmental and company law advice, as well as general contract drafting and negotiation.
For more information please contact
Alisa Montonen Managing Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law +358 40 563 9917
Ida LindforsCounsel, Attorney-at-Law
Alisa MontonenManaging Associate, Energy & Real Estate, Attorney-at-Law