Vetelin Tuulivoima Oy – Assistance in an appeal procedure concerning the general planning of Löytöneva wind farm

Lieke assisted Vetelin Tuulivoima Oy in an appeal procedure concerning the general planning of Löytöneva wind farm in the Administrative Court of Vaasa.
The Löytöneva wind farm is planned to consist of eight wind turbines located in the municipality of Veteli. In Administrative Court, some local residents objected to the construction of the wind farm on the grounds of, inter alia, noise impacts and impacts on the natural environment and on the landscape. The Vaasa Administrative Court dismissed the appeals in their entirety and the wind farm general plan became legally binding and valid.
For more information please contact
Aimo HalonenPartner, Attorney-at-Law
Hanna TuominenSenior Associate, Attorney-at-Law