Tampereen Sähkölaitos Oy – biopower plant Naistenlahti 3

Lieke act as a legal advisor to Tampereen Sähkölaitos Oy in the company’s Naistenlahti 3 biopower plant project.
We are responsible for the project’s legal expertise in e.g. public procurement procedures, contract negotiations, legal project management and project financing advice.
The Naistenlahti 3 biopower plant is mainly fueled by bioenergy, with milled peat as a secondary fuel. The power plant operates as a district heating base load plant annually from September to June, with a steam capacity of 191 MW. The plant concept is based on combined heat and power (CPH) using an existing old steam turbine and its auxiliary systems, such as a flue gas heat recovery system. Due to the condensation of flue gas water vapor, the overall efficiency of the new plant is approximately 112% of the net heat value of the fuel.
The new biopower plant will be built between the boiler of the old Naistenlahti 2 power plant and Lake Näsijärvi. Special attention has been paid to the power plant’s architecture: for example, the facade overlooking the lake has been finished with aluminum profiles of various shapes. The estimated completion date of the biopower plant is the end of 2022.
For more information please contact
Ville VyyryläinenManaging Partner, Attorney-at-Law
Aimo HalonenPartner, Attorney-at-Law
Hanna TuominenSenior Associate, Attorney-at-Law
Juho LönnbladPartner, Attorney-at-Law