Lieke is committed to corporate responsibility and sustainable development

Responsibility and sustainable development are crucial to Lieke, and we are committed to furthering these themes in our business operation. We also wish to take part in furthering corporate responsibility in cooperation with national, Nordic, and international entities.
Lieke’s responsible legal practice is carried out adhering to the Finnish Bar Association’s rules and the Code of Conduct for Attorneys-at-Law and the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers. The legal practice is organized according to the legislation applicable to attorney’s offices. Lieke’s commitment to the continuous advancement of responsibility is deepened by joining the Finnish Business & Society ry (FIBS) and committing as an Early Adopter member to the United Nations’ Global Compact initiative, through which Mäkitalo reports on its actions as required by the initiative.
Impacts on the environment are considered in Lieke’s everyday business. Lieke aims to minimize harmful impacts on the environment and is committed to assessing and mitigating environmental risks associated with Lieke’s operations regularly. Lieke makes responsible purchases, which include a preference for domestic, local, organic, and fair-trade products.
Lieke respects human and labour rights in all Lieke’s operations. Lieke is committed to supporting and promoting the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact initiative, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Lieke adheres to all applicable employment law related obligations.
Lieke complies with its responsibilities relating to occupational safety and health and ensures that employees’ occupational safety and health are properly organised. In addition, Lieke promotes work wellbeing in a variety of ways. Lieke offers its employees wellbeing promoting benefits and monitors the development of work wellbeing via a yearly work wellbeing questionnaire. The anonymized results of the questionnaire are processed among the whole staff and a work wellbeing working group consisting of Lieke’s employees and partners acts to develop work wellbeing.
There is an absolute zero tolerance for corruption at Lieke. At Lieke, a formal process for knowing the clients and preventing money laundering and financing of terrorism is used. Processes are reviewed and updated regularly.
Ville Vyyryläinen
For more information please contact
Ville VyyryläinenManaging Partner, Attorney-at-Law